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翡翠水庫管理局水庫操作科長王為森表示,今日受到雙北豪大雨影響,至晚間9點50分翡翠水庫的水位已達166.47 公尺,距離滿水位僅剩3.5公尺,今晚10點將進?調節性放水,每秒約300 ?方公尺調節放水,藉此減緩水位上升,提醒水庫下游新店溪等低漥地區民眾加強戒備。翡翠水庫管理局表示,從水庫雨量監測數據發現,晚間9點後的水庫流量已逐漸減緩,但為了避免造成水庫滿水位,將在10點進行調節放水,明天將會視流量狀況進行調節。(林媛玲/台北報導)

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酒店小巴(Mr.8)上班實錄》| 記者莊漢昌/台南報導

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Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room.

Subsonic is designed to handle very large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes). Although optimized for MP3 streaming, it works for any audio or video format that can stream over HTTP, for instance AAC and OGG. By using transcoder plug-ins, Subsonic supports on-the-fly conversion and streaming of virtually any audio format, including WMA, FLAC, APE, Musepack, WavPack and Shorten.

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room.

Subsonic is designed to handle very large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes). Although optimized for MP3 streaming, it works for any audio or video format that can stream over HTTP, for instance AAC and OGG. By using transcoder plug-ins, Subsonic supports on-the-fly conversion and streaming of virtually any audio format, including WMA, FLAC, APE, Musepack, WavPack and Shorten.

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Subsonic is a free, web-based media streamer, providing ubiquitous access to your music. Use it to share your music with friends, or to listen to your own music while at work. You can stream to multiple players simultaneously, for instance to one player in your kitchen and another in your living room.

Subsonic is designed to handle very large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes). Although optimized for MP3 streaming, it works for any audio or video format that can stream over HTTP, for instance AAC and OGG. By using transcoder plug-ins, Subsonic supports on-the-fly conversion and streaming of virtually any audio format, including WMA, FLAC, APE, Musepack, WavPack and Shorten.

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

$1 per month $1 per month
Select this option to automatically renew your Subsonic Premium subscription every year. Select this option to buy a Subsonic Premium subscription for 1 - 10 years.

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Android Stream music and video from your home computer to your phone. Never sync again! All your media - anywhere, anytime!

Songs are cached for offline playback. Supports mp3, ogg, aac, flac, wma. Most video formats supported too.

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Listen to your music from anywhere – all you need is a browser.
  • The clean web interface is optimized for constrained bandwidth environments and efficient browsing through large music collections (hundreds of gigabytes).
  • Free-text search helps you find your favorite tracks quickly.
  • Displays cover art, including images embedded in ID3 tags.
  • Assign ratings and comments to albums.
  • Common playlist features (add, remove, rearrange, repeat, shuffle, undo, save, load).

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

酒店上班賺錢網》| (中央社記者黃旭昇新北市21日電)新北市城鄉發展局改善淡水海關碼頭古蹟的環境,敲除圍牆及建築物,重新規劃為開放空間,自行車道將可串連無阻。

王可欣氫戮擋赫葵 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

制服酒店小巴分享》| 記者房書勤/新竹報導

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酒店上班賺錢網》| (中央社記者汪淑芬台北21日電)交通部長葉匡時今天晚間在臉書上發布好消息,台灣觀光宣傳影片「台灣燈會」榮獲首座艾美獎肯定,節目主持人羅森多(JosephRosendo)拿下最佳主持人大獎。

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酒店小姐求職站》| 記者吳順永/台南報導

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酒店上班賺錢網》| 記者吳素珍/南投報導

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酒店小姐應徵網 》|


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